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Zenmuse Z30 Optical Camera


Here is the link for the Zenmuse Z30 Optical Camera manual 


Also, the link below is for a quick start, user guide, for the Z30 camera 


Not many videos out there that I could find on the technical usage of the camera. It is pretty self explanatory, and you should all have used it by now and have a general understanding of its capabilities and operating features. The camera has alot of features for pictur taking and video recording. Not many of them apply to how we will use them. However, continue to look through all of the provided information, as well as whatever else you can find that will help.


Here is a fun video that shows some good footage of the Z30 and it's zoom in capabilities. 


If you need some more information, here is the official DJI page for the Z30. It gives you all the spec of the camera, and some FAQ's.  


By now, you should have an excellent understanding of the Zenmuse Z30 camera. Besides going directly to a hands on learning approach, I found that the manual provided the most information on the camera. If you would like me to work with you on the camera, please let me know and l will be happy to setup a time with you to do so.



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